The day featured presentations that delved into discussions on creating healthy ecosystems for seniors, newly emerging age tech, leveraging data and technology to create disruption, the use of technology in treating depression, combining community and arts to enhance the lives of seniors, utilizing tele-health to reach and extend care to rural areas, implementing cloud based services to senior communities and utilizing a platform to combine healthcare, education and community services to improve the lives of seniors.
CONVERGE Louisville is an annual conference and part of Health Enterprises Network’s Aging & Innovation theme initiative. CONVERGE Louisville spotlights Louisville as the nation’s epicenter for aging innovation by convening the top health care leaders, industry thought leaders, and innovators of all backgrounds, for dynamic discussions in the heart of where innovation and aging converge. With over $80 billion in revenue, Louisville’s health care sector has the nation’s largest concentration of aging care headquarters and companies. This unique strength in the industry makes CONVERGE Louisville the perfect driver for the progressive collaborations that are needed to shape the future of aging care. With the over-65 population expected to triple by 2030, it’s imperative that Louisville leads the way in creating the innovative solutions required to meet this challenge.
Conference Agenda Available Here!
Click on presenter’s photo to read their SPEAKER FEATURE!
William Fleming, PharmD, Segment President, Healthcare Services, Clinical and Pharmacy Solutions, Humana Inc.
AARP is one of the most impactful non-profits in the world, with almost 38 million members and a mission of empowering everyone in society to choose how they live as they age. But did you know that it was founded by a disruptive innovation idea over 60 years ago? AARP has continued to invest heavily in innovation over the years, and today disruptive innovation has a home in AARP Innovation Labs where one of its areas of focus is orchestrating the value exchange in age tech. Come learn more about the AARP innovation journey and its unique approach to value creation in today’s world of age tech.

Nigel Smith, Director Hatchery Ventures, AARP Innovation Labs

Deborah Jordan, Senior Design Thinker, AARP Enterprise Innovation

Tracy Eells, PhD, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, University of Louisville
Topic: Wendy’s Neverland: The Integration of Arts and Aging for Community Building
What if programming in nursing homes was so interesting that families and neighborhoods wanted to come and participate alongside Elders? What if it was so out of the ordinary that it sparked interest all over the community? Join Angie McAllister, from Signature HealthCARE to learn how implementing TimeSlip’s Creativity Community of Care approach sparked site specific performances by Elders, Staff, Volunteers and Artists in three Kentucky nursing homes in 2019.

Sean O’Leary, Co-founder & CEO, EdjAnalytics

Grace Simrall, Chief of Civic Innovation, Louisville Metro Government

Todd Smith, CEO, myFamilyChannel

Moderated by Brian Holzer MD, President, Kindred Innovations, CEO, Lacuna Health

Austin Gresham, Senior Consultant, IT Transformation, RoundTower

Andy Craig, VP of Technical Operations, Maple Knoll Communities

Ron Bridges, Kentucky State Director

Paula Cunningham, Michigan State Director

Beth Finkel, New York State Director

Anna Faul, PhD, Executive Director and Professor, University of Louisville Trager Institute

Joseph G. D’Ambrosio, PhD, JD, LMFT, CSW, Assistant Professor and Director of Health Innovation and Sustainability,
University of Louisville Trager Institute
Topic: Solving Challenges & Scaling Solutions
Hear thought leaders from the recently announced merger of the Innovator’s Alliance (www.innovators-alliance.com) and Louisville’s own Thrive Center (www.thrivecenterky.org) discuss solving challenges and scaling solutions as they share their perspectives, lessons learned, and insights around innovation. The panelists will discuss their collaborative efforts aimed at identifying and validating scalable products, service models and technologies focused on the Longevity Economy.

Mary Haynes, CEO, Nazareth Homes & Co-Chair of Thrive Alliance Board

Adrian Judy, Sr. VP of IT Services and CIO, Masonic Homes Kentucky

Sheri Rose, CEO & Executive Director, Thrive Center Inc.

Moderated by John Reinhart, CNAonline.com & Co-Founder Thrive/Innovators Alliance

Scott Bowers, CEO Passport Health Plan

Barbara Gordon, KIPDA

Stacey Sivak, Chief Revenue Officer, Unite Us