Presenting Sponsor: 1 @ $10,000
- Fifteen (15) all-access, transferable event passes
- Four (4) seats at a private dinner reception the evening prior
- Designated sponsor for the Lunch Keynote; includes the opportunity to give a 1-3 minutes welcome to the audience
- Display of promotional pull up banner on the stage
- Single piece marketing distributed to all attendees
- Recognition from stage
- Logo on event website with link to your website
- Featured article or advertisement on
- Logo prominently displayed in all advertising, event, and marketing materials (both electronic and print formats)
- Opportunity to create custom event feature (ex. charging station, food truck, etc.)
- Prominent presence in press communications
- Prominent logo placement on stage screen and event signage
- Prominent logo placement on event website and on-site materials
- Media opportunities when available
- Access to full attendee list
- 20% discount for up to 10 additional passes
- Inclusion in 2019 Converge Louisville Planning Committee
Theme Sponsor: $5,000 (One remaining)
- Ten (10) all-access, transferable event passes
- Two (2) seats at a private dinner reception the evening prior
- Designated sponsor for Breakout Sessions of your choice; includes the opportunity to give a 1-3 minutes welcome to the audience at the beginning of the session
- Display of promotional pull up banner on the stage
- Single piece marketing distributed to all attendees
- Recognition from stage
- Logo on event website with link to your website
- Featured article or advertisement on
- Logo prominently displayed in all advertising, event, and marketing materials (both electronic and print formats)
Prominent presence in press communications - Logo placement on event signage
- Prominent logo placement on event website and on-site materials
- Media opportunities when available
- Access to full attendee list
- 20% discount for up to 10 additional passes
- Inclusion in 2019 Converge Louisville Planning Committee
Knowledge Sponsor: $3,000 (2 remaining)
- Five (5) all-access, transferable event passes
- One (1) seat at a private dinner reception the evening prior
- Designated sponsor for 1 Breakout Session; choice based on availability after Theme Sponsor choice
- Display of promotional pull up banner on the stage
- Recognition from stage
- Single piece marketing distributed to all attendees
- Logo on event website with link to your website
- Featured article or advertisement on
- Logo prominently displayed in all advertising, event, and marketing materials (both electronic and print formats)
- Prominent presence in press communications
- 20% discount for up to 10 additional passes
- Inclusion in 2019 Converge Louisville Planning Committee
Networking Sponsor: $1,000 (4 remaining)
- Two (2) all-access, transferable event passes
- Display space in lobby or networking area(s)
- Recognition in event program
- Logo displayed in all advertising, event, and marketing materials (both electronic and print formats)
- 20% discount for up to 10 additional passes
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